Back Issue Haul Comics

This Week’s Comics Haul, 1/14/23

Dusting off the old blog to start (and let’s see how long it goes!) a new feature picking up where I’ve left off on withering Twitter — a biweekly look at what comics I grabbed from the comic shops on that week’s trip thirty minutes east to neighboring Joplin, MO. Every trip I dig around in the back issue bins at the city’s two Vintage Stock locations, and every trip some theme emerges. Let’s see what happened this week!


Movies 2019, Part 3

Well, this all kinda fell apart last year, didn’t it?

As is obvious, I’ve been radio silent on this shiny “new” blog since March, with the exception of a couple of YouTube cross-posts in April & May. I don’t think I need to tell you it was a rough, miserable 2020, even for folks like me who still have a job and their health (more or less) — and a lot of the stressors of that year still linger into the new one. But here we are, with the invitingly stark, blank canvas of 2021 looming ahead, and I’m going to take this opportunity to try ever-so-hard to get back into the groove of things here and start Doing Stuff again, starting with finishing out this particular project, doing capsule reviews of everything I saw in 2019 (to be followed shortly thereafter by my round-up of 2020) — and boy, if my memories of some of these flicks were scattered this time last year, now it’s a whole ‘nother year later! This should be fun!



Movies 2019, Part 2

It’s part two of my round-up of all the movies I sat in front of in 2019, whether at home or in the theater. Ten movies, presented in release date order, starting off in the 1990s and making it into 2018 — which, as I said last time, just goes to show that I mostly saw stuff from 2018 & 2019 last year. (I’m really hoping to do better this year.)