Movies Review

REVIEW – Deadpool & Wolverine

Somehow even more foul-mouthed and in-jokey than I’d expected, though by-and-large I don’t think it hurts the movie or its narrative? Not that I could actually tell, of course, steeped as I am in this stuff — when my mom asked why so-and-so was in this movie (filling in that blank would probably constitute a spoiler), I immediately had the answer, one that your average filmgoer, EHH, probably wouldn’t have. Though sometimes the profanity does get a LITTLE hat-on-a-hat.

Anyway, yes, let’s try the spoiler-lite version of the plot: Wade Wilson (Ryan Reynolds) has given up on the hero/merc gig, no longer romping around in the red suit and is instead wearing a toupee and selling cars with his pal from the 2nd movie, Dennis (Rob Delaney). But soon fortune smiles on ol’ Wade, sort of, when he is whisked away to the TVA — again, I *think* the movie imparts enough knowledge of how this works without watching the Disney+ LOKI show, but how the hell would I know for sure? — by agents under the command of Paradox (the extremely smarmy Matthew Macfadyen) and a choice is offered. With the life he’s been reminded he still loves, even if it hasn’t gone the way he wanted, threatened, Deadpool hops across time streams and grabs the first multiversal Wolverine (Hugh Jackman, in his TENTH live action appearance as the Canadian berserker) he can honestly get his hands on in order to try and prevent, let’s say, a great undoing.

Movies Review

REVIEW – The Marvels

I hate to dismiss other folks’ opinions out of hand, but I can’t shake the feeling that the people hating on this flick are reviewing something that’s not actually the movie on the screen. Like, they got annoyed with one or two other Marvel Studios pictures in the last couple of years and are carrying that into this one, or they’ve internalized that “oh no, trouble at Marvel!” Variety article that was going around a week or two ago. What’s on the screen is a fun and touching story of bonding and regrets, making up for mistakes and lost time, with a first-rate cast and some truly terrific action.

Oh, and cats. Lots and lots of cats.

Back Issue Haul Comics

This Week’s Comics Haul 7/1/23

It’s shockingly rare that me and my pal David’s every-other-week trips to Joplin to poke ’round the big chain stores for action figures and the two Vintage Stocks for back issues and current comics that I failed to order via my usual mail order place actually coincide with the big holiday weekend sales, but it did hit just right this past weekend, so I came home this time ’round with one hundred and fifteen comics, many of which were buy-one-get-one dollar books. Bear in mind, once again, the weird way Vintage Stock handles these during the holiday weekend sales is that it’s buy-one-get-one per price point, so I find myself fishing around for one more $1.99 comic because I’ve got nine of them and dang it, I need just one more free one, c’mon!

Now that I’ve gone through all of these for the blog, of course, I now also have to stick these in their right & proper spots in the ridiculous piles I’ve got all around my apartment — or, to banish them to the short boxes ’til such point as I decide I’ve got enough of whatever run to actually sit down & read ’em. Why do I make this into so much work for myself? Ugh.

Back Issue Haul Comics

These Weeks’ Comics Hauls 5/20/23 ~ 6/3/23 ~ 6/17/23

Running way behind on these — it’s been a rough few weeks, I tell ya. Between dealing with bugs all over the darned place (termite infestation in the building, bugs creeping in and taking bites out of me in the evenings — yay, warm weather!), a chronic health issue worsening, and some minor stress at work I’m at the end of my rope. So it’s a good thing I’ve got a week off ahead as of this writing, allowing me to, as much as I can given the circumstances (those first two things don’t take a break for a week off, natch, but setting the third thing aside for a bit’ll help dealing with them, to whatever extent I will), take a breath and cross a few items off my to-do list.

Here, let’s look at a list of comics I bought over the past month & a half.

Back Issue Haul Comics

This Week’s Comics Haul 4/22/23 & 5/6/23

I started to write this round-up of the as-ever ridiculous pile of comics I walked away from the two Vintage Stock locations with on the Thursday following that weekend run; it was the first time I’d felt clear-headed and wide-awake during an evening all week long. Heaven knows this ain’t ever happening the night after — no, Saturday evenings after a successful outing are spent doing the ritualistic peeling of all the tape and price tags off the comic bags. Maybe if I’m lucky, actually opening one of the action figures I bought. Deeply silly how exhausting peeling a bunch of labels and tape can be, but after the twentieth time a piece of Scotch tape has decided to rip instead of cleanly come off of a poly bag, I’m sure you wouldn’t want to expend a lot of extra effort for the rest of an evening either …

Then the rest of that week and the following week got away from me, and … well, at first I thought wouldn’t it be funny if I pulled this whole thing off on a Saturday evening, like I said I couldn’t? And, reader, I did manage to finish writing up the pile from April 22nd, but I only managed to get this past weekend’s books unstickered and organized before crashing.

Let’s dig into the piles, shall we?