Back Issue Haul Comics

This Week’s Comics Haul, 3/12/23

There are few things that could be more dangerous to my bank account or credit card limit than Vintage Stock deciding that the month’s buy-one-get-one back issue theme/franchise is the X-Men. And yet, because for some reason the Vintage Stock staff (at both Joplin locations, in fact) aren’t checked out on how exactly the buy-one-get-one discount gets rung up I finished my run having spent just a smidge over fifty-three bucks between the two locations despite the utterly mad pile of comics I’m about to describe to you. Here’s hoping there isn’t any kind of audit that gets someone written-up or fired; I told the nice girl at the counter at the Rangeline location that the total she gave me seemed awfully low, but she didn’t seem too bothered. Oh well, I tried!

Back Issue Haul Comics

This Week’s Comics Haul, 2/11/23

So, this week I may have overdone things a bit. Funny thing, February’s buy-one-get-one back issue at Vintage Stock is Batman, but did I buy a single Caped Crusader-starring comic? No, actually how they got me this week is that after pal David grabbed all the Grant Morrison Bat-books he could find for himself, he pointed out to me, “hey, this box I found all those Morrison Batman comics in had a whole bunch of …”

Well, let’s just use that to segue into the list.

Back Issue Haul Comics

That Week’s Comics Haul, 1/28/23

So, as has tended to happen with my efforts over the past decade or so, this is exceedingly late — but I didn’t want to miss one of these and turn this into yet another failed effort to get back on the regular writing train, no-sir. I figure at least getting this knocked out before I’ve had a chance to hit the longboxes again will work, and hopefully this coming Saturday we don’t wind up driving back to town super-late, I don’t buy another daunting stack of books, and I don’t crash early from sheer exhaustion. At least, that’s how I remember the night of the 28th, and I think as we go through the stack here, you’ll see at least one of those points is correct.

Let’s look through some comics.

Back Issue Haul Comics

This Week’s Comics Haul, 1/14/23

Dusting off the old blog to start (and let’s see how long it goes!) a new feature picking up where I’ve left off on withering Twitter — a biweekly look at what comics I grabbed from the comic shops on that week’s trip thirty minutes east to neighboring Joplin, MO. Every trip I dig around in the back issue bins at the city’s two Vintage Stock locations, and every trip some theme emerges. Let’s see what happened this week!

Movies Review

REVIEW – The Batman

A whole meal of a film, practically a mini-series on the silver screen, in which the Dark Knight Detective (a growling Robert Pattinson) teams up with the One Good Cop in Gotham (Jeffrey Wright as Lt. Gordon) to take down the question mark-themed obsessive (Paul Dano, clad in some kinda tactical gimp mask instead of a bowler hat) who’s murdering Gotham’s corrupt elite. The levels of conspiracy in Matt Reeves’s film bring to mind certain passages of Grant Morrison’s late ’00s Bat-books or the early stages of Scott Snyder’s run a decade ago (or the issues of the recent Batman: The Adventures Continue comic book series, continuing the classic animated series, that reference the latter run). I adored how much of the film is Batman poking around crime scenes, like classic shots out of a ’70s or early ’80s issue of Detective Comics filtered through a modern aesthetic. Pattinson is the most convincing “weird rich guy who’d dress up in that outfit” since Keaton, and his rapport with Wright — hell, his rapport with all his allies, including Andy Serkis‘s Alfred (whose every scene, just about, is memorable in some fashion) and Zoe Kravitz‘s Selina Kyle (who I’d love to follow to a spin-off where she’s just cheating dudes and stealing stuff) — is fun to watch shift and evolve as the mission that drives him changes. There are fun twists and there are twists that feel a twist too far (or that twist & twist again too rapidly), but I like where the film lands both in terms of overall story and where it leaves the characters for the inevitable follow-up. It was three hours and twenty minutes if you include the trailers, and yet I’m not against the idea of hitting that again over the weekend — somehow THIS interpretation of the Bat-mythos hit me the same way Burton & Keaton’s ’89 flick did back then, filling me with joy as I watched the Caped Crusader beat down thugs, work through clues, and pursue his foes in his crazy rocket-powered car — all the things you want to see Batman do, larger than life, in a room full of similarly awed strangers. It was everything I wanted it to be. Wow.